07 Oct The Creator
Two of my all-time favourite sci-fi films are Monsters and Rogue One, which both happen to be directed by the same man: Gareth Edwards. He has an amazing ability to fuse eye-wateringly brilliant and original sci-fi imagery with detailed and believable human stories.
He also works with amazing composers: Jon Hopkins, Alexandre Desplat, Michael Giacchino and now, luckily for me, Hans Zimmer.
However, I’ll level with you. Things don’t always go to plan. I was absolutely thrilled to be asked my Hans to do some early work on his score for The Creator but, unfortunately only a little bit of it remains in the final version of the soundtrack. That’s the way it goes sometimes. A decision was made along the way that less synthy stuff was required for the score and the project continued without me for the rest of it.
Nevertheless, despite this personal setback, Hans Zimmer and Steve Mazzaro made sure that I got a cedit on the film, which was very generous of them – it was genuinely unexpected*! And so, my name was in lights once more, along with my creative chums, Hans, Steve, Kevin and Tina.
*I’ve done much more work on a score and not got any credit at all!
Chris Ankin
Posted at 10:32h, 12 OctoberSadly the industry is full of unsung heroes, however it’s quite an achievement to get a credit so well done Matt
Posted at 11:28h, 12 OctoberWell, there were plenty of people who did more work on this film than I did! 🙂
Nick Aldridge
Posted at 10:17h, 03 DecemberThe pendulum swings…well done Matt!